You've found Lana's Grove!

Hello there, my name's Lana and I'm very pleased to mwee-t you! I'll be using this site as a space for self expression and sharing my interests. As the site develops, you'll be able to find links to my various interests in the sidebar. I hope you'll find something that interests you too!

Carving out my own little corner of the internet is something I've wanted to attempt for a little while now. For me, one of the best things about the internet is the way anyone in the world can authentically express themselves and connect with other like-minded people they would never be able to meet otherwise!

These days, most of that seems to be narrowed down to a few social media sites where all the content goes, but I'd like to do my part to keep the tradition of unique, independent personal spaces alive! The internet is by and for everyone, after all :3

I'm doing this equipped with nothing but some rusty html knowledge and a faint-at-best idea what I'm doing, so let's just see where this goes, shall we? ^w^

I'm glad to have you along for the ride, deer reader!